COP531 - CORPORATE LAW (2022 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
The objective of this course is to build on existing knowledge base of students in corporate law. |
Learning Outcome |
CO-1: Appreciate the relevance of corporate law to individuals and businesses and the role of law in an economic, political and social context CO-2: Identify the fundamental legal principles behind contractual agreement CO-3: Examine how businesses can be held liable in tort for the actions of their employees CO-4: Explain the legal and fiscal structure of different forms business organizations and their responsibilities. CO-5: Examine how businesses can adopt e-governance for ensuring transparency. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Listing Compliances
Shareholding - Change in Shareholding of Promoters and Top 10 Shareholders, Maintenance of records in electronic forms, Reports - AGM Report, Directors Report, Financial Statements and Mode of Sending statements, Audit Committee-Appointment and Rotation, Internal Auditor, Directors and KMP - Appointment of Women Director, independent director, small shareholders director, constitution of stakeholders relationship committee, appointment of KMP. | |||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Registers, Forms and Returns
Statutory Books and Registers prescribed under various provisions of the Company Law– Maintenance, Authentication Place of Keeping and Inspection, Filing of various Forms and Returns with the Authorities Procedure and Penalties for Delayed Filing Annual Return –Nature and Significance; Contents; and Certification by Practicing Company | |||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Modes of Acquiring Membership, Rights and Privileges of Members, Register of Members, Transfer and Transmission of Securities, Nomination Law relating to Majority Powers and Minority Rights, Shareholder Remedies – Actions by Shareholders; Statutory Remedies; Personal Actions, Prevention of Oppression and Mis-Management. | |||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Inspection and Offences
Inspection of Documents, Powers of the Inspector, Seizure of Books And Documents, Inspector’s Report, Power of the Registrar of Companies, Investigation into Affairs of the Company, Officer in Default Penalties Compounding of offences | |||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Newer Corporate Structures
Producer Companies, Concept, Formation, Functioning and Dissolution Limited Liability Partnerships, Concept, Formation, Membership, Functioning and Dissolution | |||||||||||
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
Introduction to E-governance and XBRL
Need, Transparency and monitoring functions, Filing of documents and forms in XBRL. | |||||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books: 1. Dr. Avtar Singh: Company Law; Eastern Book Company, 34, Lalbagh, Lucknow – 226 001 2. VS Datey: Guide to Tax and Corporate Laws; Taxmann, 59/32, New Rohtak Road, New Delhi-110 005 | |||||||||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Companies Act (2013): Bare Act. | |||||||||||
Evaluation Pattern Department of Professional Studies follows a rigorous system of continuous evaluation, and the assessment events include quizzes, tests, assignments, mid-term and end-term exams, individual/group project work, presentations etc. Students are evaluated for each course on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment. Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:
· Written Examinations consists of: § Mid Semester Exam – 50 marks (2 hours duration) § End Semester Exam – 100 marks (3 hours duration) · A student should have secured minimum 40% marks in the ESE to pass in that paper. · In aggregate for each paper, for internal and end semester put together, at least 40 marks out of 100 must be secured to pass in that paper. | |||||||||||
COP532 - RESEARCH METHODOLOGY (2022 Batch) | |||||||||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Research provides direction for solving business, government, and social problems. Business research helps to replace intuitive business decisions with more logical and scientific decisions. The course intends to provide comprehensive knowledge & skills about the research methods that are employed to investigate problems in business. |
Learning Outcome |
CO-1: Explain the overall process of designing a research study from its inception to its report CO-2: Conduct a literature review for a scholarly educational study CO-3: Critically analyze research methodologies identified in existing literature and Develop a comprehensive research methodology for a research question CO-4: Organize and conduct research in a more appropriate manner CO-5: Discuss ethical issues in educational research, including those issues that arise in using quantitative and qualitative research |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Introduction to Research
Overview: Meaning, Objectives, Types of research, significance of research, research process, criteria of good research, Ethics in research. Research Problem: Identification, selection and Defining research problem. Review of Literature; Research Hypothesis; Research Variables
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Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Research Design
Research Design Meaning, need for research design, features of a good design, Different Research Designs. Sampling Design: Census and sample survey, steps in sampling design, criteria of selecting a sampling procedure, characteristics of a good sample design, different types of sampling designs- Probability and Non-Probability Sampling Design, Sampling v/s Non-Sampling Error; Determination of Sample Size. | |||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Data Collection, measurement and scaling
Data Collection:Sources of data collection, quantitative vs qualitative data collection, qualitative methods of data collection Measurement and Scales: Meaning, types of measurement, classification of scales, measurement errors, criteria for good measurement, Questionnaire: Meaning, questionnaire design procedure | |||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Data Processing and Analysis
Steps in data processing; univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis of data; Descriptive analysis- Measures of central tendency, dispersion, shapes, and relationship; Inferential analysis- stages in hypothesis testing, type I and type II error, Parametric and non-parametric tests; Data analysis using SPSS. | |||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Research Report Writing
Types of research report; Report structure, Citation, bibliography and referencing; Guidelines for effective report writing. | |||||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books: 1. Kothari C.K. (2004), Research Methodology – Methods and Techniques (New Age International, New Delhi) 2. Krishnswamy, K.N., Shivkumar, Appa Iyer and Mathiranjan M. (2006) Management Research Methodology; Integration of Principles, Methods and Techniques (Pearson Education, New Delhi) 3. Krishnaswami, O. R., Rangantham, M., & Harikumar, P. N. (2019). Research Methodology. Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing 4. Sinha S. C., & Dhiman, A. K. (2002). Research Methodology. New Delhi: Ess Ess Publications 5. Kothari C R Garg, G. (2014). Research Methodology: Methods And Techniques (3rd ed.). New Delhi: New Age International(P)Ltd Publisher.
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Essential Reading / Recommended Reading 1. Research Methodology Concepts and Cases, Deepak Chawla, Neena Sondhi, Vikas Publishing 2. Business Research Methods, William Zikmund, Barry Babin, Jon Carr, Mitch Griffin, Cengage 3. Business Research Methods, Naval Bajpai, Pearson Education 4. Donald R Cooper and Pamela S Schindler, Business Research Methods, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd
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Evaluation Pattern Department of Professional Studies follows a rigorous system of continuous evaluation, and the assessment events include quizzes, tests, assignments, mid-term and end-term exams, individual/group project work, presentations etc. Students are evaluated for each course on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment. Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:
· Written Examinations consists of: § Mid Semester Exam – 50 marks (2 hours duration) § End Semester Exam – 100 marks (3 hours duration) · A student should have secured minimum 40% marks in the ESE to pass in that paper. · In aggregate for each paper, for internal and end semester put together, at least 40 marks out of 100 must be secured to pass in that paper. | |||||||||||
COP533 - ADVANCED FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (2022 Batch) | |||||||||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
To provide an in –depth understanding of management tools and techniques used in financial and project management of corporate |
Learning Outcome |
CO-1: Explain the risk analysis in evaluating capital expenditure projects CO-2: Discuss different theories of capital structure and the effect of capital structure on the value of the firm CO-3: Analyze the effect of Dividend decisions on the value of the firm CO-4: Understand the various inventory management technique CO-5: Analyze impact on valuation of firms with respect to corporate restructuring |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Risk Analysis in Capital Budgeting
Meaning of risk, Types of decision situations, Sources of risk, Cash flows importance, Incremental cash flows, Cash flow projection, Capital rationing, Techniques to management risk, Payback period, Risk-adjusted discount rate, Certainty Equivalent, Sensitivity analysis, Decision Tree analysis, Probability distribution approach | |||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Theories of Capital Structure and Firm Valuation
Capital structure and Firm value, Introduction to Capital structure theories, Net income approach, Net operating income approach, Miller Modigliani propositions I and II and Traditional theory | |||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Dividend Policy and Firm Valuation
Dividend policy and Firm value, Dividend Models: Walter’s Model, Gordon’s Model, Modigliani and Miller Hypothesis, Corporate Dividend Practices in India | |||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Inventory Management
Inventory Management, Purpose of holding inventory, Risk and cost of holding inventories, Objectives of Inventory Management, Tools and Techniques of Inventory Management | |||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Cash and Receivables Management
Motives of Holding cash, Cash budgeting, Cash collections and disbursement, Options and Strategies for investing and Managing Surplus cash, Cash Management Models, Credit Management, Cost of maintenance of Accounts Receivables, Forecasting the receivables, Terms of Payments, Credit policy, Credit evaluation, Credit granting, Collection policy | |||||||||||
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:5 |
Mergers and Acquisitions
Mergers and Acquisitions: Definition, Types, Motives, Merger process. Conceptual Framework of Valuation; Approaches/ Methods of Valuation; and other Approaches to Value Measurement | |||||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books: 1. Khan M Y and Jain PK: Financial Management 2005-Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company 2. Prasanna Chandra: Financial Management 2011 - Tata Mcgraw-Hill publishing company 3. James C.Van Horne: Fundamentals of Financial Management,1986 - Prentice- Hall India | |||||||||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading 1. Ravi.M.Kishore: Financial Management 2006-Taxman Publication 2. Vasant Desai: Project Management 2011– Himalaya Publishing Company | |||||||||||
Evaluation Pattern Department of Professional Studies follows a rigorous system of continuous evaluation, and the assessment events include quizzes, tests, assignments, mid-term and end-term exams, individual/group project work, presentations etc. Students are evaluated for each course on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment. Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:
· Written Examinations consists of: § Mid Semester Exam – 50 marks (2 hours duration) § End Semester Exam – 100 marks (3 hours duration) · A student should have secured minimum 40% marks in the ESE to pass in that paper. · In aggregate for each paper, for internal and end semester put together, at least 40 marks out of 100 must be secured to pass in that paper. | |||||||||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This subject deals with investment analysis and portfolio management. Students are taught investment process, functioning of security markets, valuation of bonds, equity and risk management. Students are trained on fundamental analysis, technical analysis and efficient market hypothesis. In addition, portfolio theories and asset pricing models are discussed. |
Learning Outcome |
CO-1: Explain the investment process and the functioning of security markets CO-2: Discuss various investment avenues and the concept of risk and return CO-3: Apply fundamental and technical analysis to analyse the investments and value bonds and shares. CO-4: Construct optimum portfolio by applying portfolio models CO-5: Evaluate the Performance of mutual funds |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:5 |
Introduction to Investments and Portfolio Management
Micro and macroeconomic concepts, Meaning of portfolio Management, Financial and Economic Meaning of investment, Investment objectives, Process of Portfolio Management, Constraints, Investment strategy, investment v/s speculation, Arbitrage, Gambling Types of investors, Investment avenues | |||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Risk Management
Concept of risk and return, Measurement, Classification of Risks, Diversification, Statistical tools used in risk management, Techniques of risk mitigation, beta coefficient. | |||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Investment Analysis
Fundamental analysis – Economic, Industry and Company analysis, Technical analysis - Charting tools, Dow theory, tools of technical analysis, market structure, market indicators, Efficient market Hypothesis - Random walk, Forms of efficiency, Techniques for measuring efficiency, Empirical tests. | |||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Valuation of Bonds and Equity
Concept, Bond valuation- Yield to maturity and yield to call, Bond duration, Equity valuation- Two stage and three stage models | |||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Portfolio Construction
Introduction, Portfolio theories, Portfolio risk management through diversification, Measuring portfolio efficiency, Markowitz model, Sharpe portfolio optimization model, Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), Arbitrage pricing theory | |||||||||||
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Portfolio Evaluation and Revision
Overview, Calculating and averaging returns, Abnormal Performance and Risk Adjustments, Market Timing, Performance measures - Sharpe, Jensen, Treynor Model. Portfolio Revision and Management Tactical asset allocation, Portfolio optimization, Factor models of returns, Active-passive management. | |||||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books: 1. Chandra Prasanna. (2013) Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 4th edition, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Ronald. J. Jordan and Donald E. Fischer. (2013) Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, 6th edition, Pearson 3. M. Ranganathan and R. Madhumathi. (2012) Security Analysis And Portfolio Management, 2nd edition, Pearson | |||||||||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading 1. S. Kevin. (2006) Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall 2. Bodie, Kane and Marcus. (2013) Investment Analysis, 10th edition, Tata McGraw Hill 3. Rustagi R P. (2013) Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 4th edition, Sultan Chand and Sons Educational Publishers, New Delhi 4. Frank K. Reilly and Keith C. Brown. (2002) Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 7th Edition, Cengage Learning Publishers | |||||||||||
Evaluation Pattern Department of Professional Studies follows a rigorous system of continuous evaluation, and the assessment events include quizzes, tests, assignments, mid-term and end-term exams, individual/group project work, presentations etc. Students are evaluated for each course on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment. Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:
· Written Examinations consists of: § Mid Semester Exam – 50 marks (2 hours duration) §End Semester Exam – 100 marks (3 hours duration) · A student should have secured minimum 40% marks in the ESE to pass in that paper. · In aggregate for each paper, for internal and end semester put together, at least 40 marks out of 100 must be secured to pass in that paper. | |||||||||||
COP542A - COMMODITY AND DERIVATIVES MARKETS (2022 Batch) | |||||||||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
The aim of the course is to equip students with the knowledge of emerging commodities derivatives trading practices in India. Further, the regulatory framework of these markets will also be highlighted. |
Learning Outcome |
CO-1: Understand the basics of commodities and derivatives markets CO-2: Discuss the trading, clearing and settlement mechanism in commodities and derivatives market
CO-3: Explain the process of pricing and valuation of forwards and futures CO-4: Analyze the pay offs of each strategy CO-5: Value the options and create scenario analysis |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:5 |
Introduction to Derivatives Market
Meaning, History and Origin, Elements of a Derivative Contract, Types of Derivatives, Types of Underlying Assets, Participants in Derivatives Market, Application of derivatives for risk management and speculation | |||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:5 |
Forwards and Futures
Models of pricing futures- Cost of Carry model, Expected price Theory and Normal Backwardation theory models, Beta Management of Stock portfolios, Interest rate swaps-Pricing and valuation, Arbitrage using Futures on stocks and Indexes, Forward Rate Agreements (FRAs) | |||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Options, Option Pricing Models and Swaps
Options Contract Specifications, Terminologies, Call Option, Put Option, Difference between Futures and Options, Trading of Options, Valuation of Options Contract, Factors Affecting Option Premium, Payoff Charts and Diagrams for Option Contract, Basic Understanding of Option Strategies- strategies such as Straddle, strip, strap and strangle. Spread strategies such as call spread, put spread, butterfly spread, condor spread, and iron butterfly and iron condor. Options Valuation - Binominal Model for valuation, Black and Scholes Model, Put call parity model of valuation | |||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:25 |
Functioning of Commodities Market
Introduction to Commodities Markets: Meaning, History and Origin, Types of Commodities Traded, Structures of Commodities Market in India, Participants in Commodities Market, Trading in Commodities in India, Commodity Exchanges | |||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:5 |
Trading, Clearing and Settlement in Derivatives Markets
Meaning and concept, SEBI guidelines, trading mechanism, learning mechanism role of NSCCL, settlement mechanism, types of settlement, accounting and taxation aspect of derivatives trade. | |||||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books: 1. Redhead Keith, Financial Derivatives - An introduction to futures, forwards, options and swaps 2. Yadav Surendra S, Jain PK, Foreign exchange markets: understanding derivatives and other instruments 3. Hull John C. - Options, Futures and other derivatives | |||||||||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading 1. Bhaskar P Vijaya, Mahapatra B - Derivatives simplified: An introduction to risk management 2. Bhalla V K - Financial Derivative | |||||||||||
Evaluation Pattern Department of Professional Studies follows a rigorous system of continuous evaluation, and the assessment events include quizzes, tests, assignments, mid-term and end-term exams, individual/group project work, presentations etc. Students are evaluated for each course on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment. Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:
· Written Examinations consists of: § Mid Semester Exam – 50 marks (2 hours duration) § End Semester Exam – 100 marks (3 hours duration) · A student should have secured minimum 40% marks in the ESE to pass in that paper. · In aggregate for each paper, for internal and end semester put together, at least 40 marks out of 100 must be secured to pass in that paper. | |||||||||||
COP543A - RISK MANAGEMENT (2022 Batch) | |||||||||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This course will examine the way in which business and society make an assessment of, control and transfer risk. The goal of this course is to engage students in active discovery of risk management principles. This course focuses on the ways in which businesses and society assess, control, and transfer risk. An effective risk management program will reduce losses, and improve financial performance and employee morale. |
Learning Outcome |
CO-1: Function in a business environment, developing an awareness of the challenges, the tools, and the process of designing and implementing a risk management program. CO-2: Master an understanding of conditions and specification standards associated with risk management and communications. CO-3: Conduct risk management analyses (and assessments) in various industrial/business environments addressing regulatory requirements and concerns CO-4: Demonstrate skills to assess and communicate risks CO-5: Develop action plans appropriate for augmenting, promoting and maintaining risk management programs including communications. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Risk
Concept, Risk and Uncertainty, Sources and Types of Risk, Information Technology Risk, Upside and downside risks, Risk arising from internal and external sources, Risk arising from international operations, Strategic and Operational Risks, Impact of business risk, Identify and assess the impact upon the stakeholders involved in business risk. | |||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Risk Management
Enterprise Risk Management – COSO ERM Frameworks, Risk Register, Risk Strategy – Formulation and features, Risk Management Cycle – Identify Risks, Assess Risk, Quantification, Risk mapping, Risk response, Implement and Allocate resources, Risk Management Roles and Responsibilities, Monitoring of Controls, Risk reporting, Gross Risk and Net Risk, Review, Evaluating Risks Management Strategy, ISO 31000 Risk Management Checklist. | |||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:13 |
Strategy and Reputational Risk
Meaning of Strategy, Levels of Strategy, Strategic Planning Process – Risk of Formal Planning, Emergent Strategies, Logical Incrementalism, Approaches to Strategic Planning - Traditional approach, Market-led approach, Resource-based approach, Key Risks, Strategic Analysis and choice – Product Market Strategy, Ansoff matrix and risks, Acquisition and its risks, Competitive Strategy – Cost Leadership, Differentiation, Focus Strategy and its risks, Joint methods of expansion and its risks, Stress testing, Scenario Planning, Game theoretical approaches to strategic planning. Reputational Risk - Societal, Environmental and Ethical considerations, Management of Reputational Risk. | |||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Governance and Internal Control
Evaluation of risk associated with governance, Risk Management Function, Independent Assessment of the Risk Governance Framework, Risk Management disclosures in India, Descriptive and evaluation of framework for board level consideration of risk, OECD Guidelines for corporate governance, Internal Controls and Risk Management, COSO model of internal controls. | |||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:13 |
Credit Risk Measurement and Management
Understanding Credit Risk, Components of Credit Risk, Measurement of credit risk in Banking Transactions and Factors affecting Credit Risk, Types of Credit Facilities, Classification of Assets, Evaluating and Managing credit risk, Quantitative and Qualitative techniques of Credit Risk Management, Credit Scoring Methods. | |||||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books: 1. George E. Rejda: Principles of Risk Management & Insurance, Pearson: New Delhi. 2. John J Hampton, ‘Fundamentals of Enterprise Risk Management: How Top Companies Assess Risk, Manage Exposure, and Seize Opportunity’ 3. John Fraser, Betty J Simkins, ‘Enterprise Risk Management’
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Essential Reading / Recommended Reading 1. Study Text of CIMA “Risk Management”, Kalpan Publication. 2. Fundamental of Risk Management, Paul Hopkins, KoganPage 3. Study Text of CA Final Course – Risk Management.
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Evaluation Pattern Department of Professional Studies follows a rigorous system of continuous evaluation, and the assessment events include quizzes, tests, assignments, mid-term and end-term exams, individual/group project work, presentations etc. Students are evaluated for each course on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment. Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:
· Written Examinations consists of: § Mid Semester Exam – 50 marks (2 hours duration) § End Semester Exam – 100 marks (3 hours duration) · A student should have secured minimum 40% marks in the ESE to pass in that paper. · In aggregate for each paper, for internal and end semester put together, at least 40 marks out of 100 must be secured to pass in that paper. | |||||||||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
The course introduces the value and process of strategic management to students. The course is designed to explore an organization’s vision, mission, examine principles, techniques and models of organizational analysis, discuss the theory and practice of strategy formulation and implementation such as corporate governance and business ethics for the development of effective strategic leadership. |
Learning Outcome |
CO-1: Analyze the main structural features of an industry and develop strategies that position the firm most favorably in relation to competition and influence industry structure to enhance industry attractiveness CO-2: Understand the strategic decisions that organizations make and have an ability to engage in strategic planning. CO-3: Appraise the resources and capabilities of the firm in terms of their ability to confer sustainable competitive advantage and formulate strategies that leverage a firm's core competencies CO-4: Formulate strategies for exploiting international business opportunities including foreign entry strategies and international location of production CO-5: Analyze ethical issues in business and apply Corporate Governance practices |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Introduction to Strategic Management
Concept of Strategy, Nature, Scope, Process and importance of Strategic Management, Formal Planning and Strategic Intent, Strategic Planning Process, Strategic Management Vs. Operational Management, Ethics in Strategic Management, Concept of Mission and VMOST model- Vision, Mission, Goals & Objectives, Strategy and Tactics, Hierarchy of strategy – Corporate, SBU, Functional, Culture and Strategy, Importance of culture in strategy execution.
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Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Introduction to Strategic Management
Concept of Strategy, Nature, Scope, Process and importance of Strategic Management, Formal Planning and Strategic Intent, Strategic Planning Process, Strategic Management Vs. Operational Management, Ethics in Strategic Management, Concept of Mission and VMOST model- Vision, Mission, Goals & Objectives, Strategy and Tactics, Hierarchy of strategy – Corporate, SBU, Functional, Culture and Strategy, Importance of culture in strategy execution.
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Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Strategy formulation
Concept and Approaches to Strategic Formulation, Types of Strategies, Strategy Activation, Policies, Environmental Scanning, SWOT analysis, Internal and External environmental analysis, Competition Analysis: Porter’s Five Forces Theory, Generic strategies, Competitive Advantage, Value chain analysis, McKinney’s 7s frame work.
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Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Strategy formulation
Concept and Approaches to Strategic Formulation, Types of Strategies, Strategy Activation, Policies, Environmental Scanning, SWOT analysis, Internal and External environmental analysis, Competition Analysis: Porter’s Five Forces Theory, Generic strategies, Competitive Advantage, Value chain analysis, McKinney’s 7s frame work.
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Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Strategic Implementation and Control
Developing Alternative Strategies - Stability, Growth, Turnaround, Retrenchment, Diversification, vertical integration, Horizontal integration, Strategic alliance, merger and acquisition, Divestment. Strategic Business Portfolio analysis– BCG & GEC matrix, Strategic Choice, Strategy communication and activation. Balance Scorecard framework. Strategic Implementation: Resource Allocation –budgets - Organization structure – Matching structure and strategy- Behavioural issues – Corporate Culture. Strategic evaluation and control. | |||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Strategic Implementation and Control
Developing Alternative Strategies - Stability, Growth, Turnaround, Retrenchment, Diversification, vertical integration, Horizontal integration, Strategic alliance, merger and acquisition, Divestment. Strategic Business Portfolio analysis– BCG & GEC matrix, Strategic Choice, Strategy communication and activation. Balance Scorecard framework. Strategic Implementation: Resource Allocation –budgets - Organization structure – Matching structure and strategy- Behavioural issues – Corporate Culture. Strategic evaluation and control. | |||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Ethics and Business
Nature and scope of Ethics, Facts and value, Ethical subjectivism and Relativism, Moral Development, Ethics and Business, Application of Ethical theories in Business, Ethical Issues in Functional areas of Business | |||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Ethics and Business
Nature and scope of Ethics, Facts and value, Ethical subjectivism and Relativism, Moral Development, Ethics and Business, Application of Ethical theories in Business, Ethical Issues in Functional areas of Business | |||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Corporate Governance
Origin and Development of Corporate governance, Theories underlying Corporate Governance Separation of ownership and control, Corporate Governance Mechanism, Emphasis on Corporate governance, Ethics and Governance, Process and Corporate Governance | |||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Corporate Governance
Origin and Development of Corporate governance, Theories underlying Corporate Governance Separation of ownership and control, Corporate Governance Mechanism, Emphasis on Corporate governance, Ethics and Governance, Process and Corporate Governance | |||||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books: 1. Strategic Management: A competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and Cases _ Fred Pearson Education, 16th Edition 2. Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach, Charles W.L. Hill and Gareth R. Jones Cengage Publishers, 12e 3. Hill, Charles W L (2014): International Business, McGraw Hill Publication, 10th Edition 4. Varma, Sumati (2014): International Business, Pearson | |||||||||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading 1. Joshi, Rakesh Mohan (2009): International Business, Oxford University Press India 2. Rao, P Subba (2014): International Business, Himalaya Publishing House, 4th Edition 3. Hill, Charles W L (2011): Global Business Today, 6th Edition, TMH 4. Daniel and Radebaugh (2010): International Business, Pearson Education, 12th Edition 5. Cherunilam, Francis (2011) International Business, PHI Learning Pvt Ltd, 5th Edition | |||||||||||
Evaluation Pattern Department of Professional Studies follows a rigorous system of continuous evaluation, and the assessment events include quizzes, tests, assignments, mid-term and end-term exams, individual/group project work, presentations etc. Students are evaluated for each course on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment. Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:
· Written Examinations consists of: § Mid Semester Exam – 50 marks (2 hours duration) § End Semester Exam – 100 marks (3 hours duration) · A student should have secured minimum 40% marks in the ESE to pass in that paper. · In aggregate for each paper, for internal and end semester put together, at least 40 marks out of 100 must be secured to pass in that paper. | |||||||||||
COP632 - FINANCIAL REPORTING (2022 Batch) | |||||||||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course description: To provide students with a framework for analyzing past performance of an entity to provide information that is useful for estimating its future performance. |
Learning Outcome |
CO-1: Understand the accounting concepts, principles and framework. CO-2: Evaluate the nature and purpose of financial statements in relationship to decision making. CO-3: Discuss and apply IND ASs on inventories, fixed assets, leases, provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets, cash flow, EPS and deferred tax. CO-4: Apply and analyze accounting information to solve a variety of business problems. CO-5: Analyze, interpret and effectively communicate information regarding financial statements using financial ratios to a variety of audiences. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Regulatory Framework of financial reporting
National regulators – IFRS foundation – IASB – International organization for securities commission (IOSCO) – Standard setting process – Difference between rules-based and principles based regulators – Others such as international integrated reporting Council (IIRC) – Need and scope for corporate governance regulations – different approaches to corporate governance regulations. | |||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Regulatory Framework of financial reporting
National regulators – IFRS foundation – IASB – International organization for securities commission (IOSCO) – Standard setting process – Difference between rules-based and principles based regulators – Others such as international integrated reporting Council (IIRC) – Need and scope for corporate governance regulations – different approaches to corporate governance regulations. | |||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Conceptual Framework of Financial Reporting
Objectives and overall purpose of financial reporting – Qualitative characteristics of financial information – Reporting entity and its boundaries – Recognition (and derecognition) – Measurement basis-presentation and disclosure-concept. | |||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Conceptual Framework of Financial Reporting
Objectives and overall purpose of financial reporting – Qualitative characteristics of financial information – Reporting entity and its boundaries – Recognition (and derecognition) – Measurement basis-presentation and disclosure-concept. | |||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:14 |
Non- Current Assets
Tangible non-current assets (IAS 16, IAS 40, IAS 105) – Intangible assets (IAS 38) – Impairment (IAS 36). | |||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:14 |
Non- Current Assets
Tangible non-current assets (IAS 16, IAS 40, IAS 105) – Intangible assets (IAS 38) – Impairment (IAS 36). | |||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:14 |
Financial Statements
Statement of cash flows (IAS 7) – Accounting for inventory (IAS 2) – Basics of revenue recognition (IFRS 15) – Leases (IFRS 16) – Provisions, contingent assets and contingent liabilities (IAS 37). | |||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:14 |
Financial Statements
Statement of cash flows (IAS 7) – Accounting for inventory (IAS 2) – Basics of revenue recognition (IFRS 15) – Leases (IFRS 16) – Provisions, contingent assets and contingent liabilities (IAS 37). | |||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Reporting Financial Performance
Accounting for taxation (IAS 12) – Structure and contents of financial statements presented under IFRS – Earnings per share (IAS 33). | |||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Reporting Financial Performance
Accounting for taxation (IAS 12) – Structure and contents of financial statements presented under IFRS – Earnings per share (IAS 33). | |||||||||||
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Analysing and Interpreting Financial Statements
Computation of financial ratios – Analysis and interpretation of an entity’s financial statements – Limitations of interpretation techniques. | |||||||||||
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Analysing and Interpreting Financial Statements
Computation of financial ratios – Analysis and interpretation of an entity’s financial statements – Limitations of interpretation techniques. | |||||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books:
| |||||||||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading 1.CIMA F1 Financial Reporting (F1): Study text by Kaplan Publishing. 2.CIMA Financial Reporting: Practice and Revision Kit by BPP Learning Media.
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Evaluation Pattern Department of Professional Studies follows a rigorous system of continuous evaluation, and the assessment events include quizzes, tests, assignments, mid-term and end-term exams, individual/group project work, presentations etc. Students are evaluated for each course on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessments. Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:
· Written Examinations consist of: § Mid Semester Exam – 50 Marks (2 hours duration) § End Semester Exam – 100 Marks (3 hours duration) · A student should secure a minimum of 40% Marks in the ESE to pass that paper. · In aggregate for each paper, for internal and end semester put together, at least 40 Marks out of 100 must be secured to pass in that paper. | |||||||||||
COP633 - TAXATION - II (2022 Batch) | |||||||||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Basic understanding of Income Tax Compliance, GST and Customs laws of India. |
Learning Outcome |
CO-1: Understand and analyze the Compliance and Assessment provisions of income tax along with Basics of Tax deduction at source and Transfer pricing CO-2: Understand the structure and fundamental principles of Indirect taxation CO-3: Understand the concept of GST CO-4: Identify and evaluate situations of determining the output tax, input tax credit and GST compliances CO-5: Understand the Basics of Customs |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Income Tax Compliance, Assessments and TDS
Income Tax returns, Filing Date, Types of Assessments Basics of – Self assessment, Regular assessment, Best Judgment assessment, Re-Assessment. Advance Tax. Basics of Tax deduction at source. Simple problems on Advance tax. | |||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Income Tax Compliance, Assessments and TDS
Income Tax returns, Filing Date, Types of Assessments Basics of – Self assessment, Regular assessment, Best Judgment assessment, Re-Assessment. Advance Tax. Basics of Tax deduction at source. Simple problems on Advance tax. | |||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
International Taxation
Double taxation, Transfer pricing | |||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
International Taxation
Double taxation, Transfer pricing | |||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Basic overview of Indirect Taxes &GST, Relevant definitions, Goods and Services Tax (GST) Law as contained in the Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST) Act, 2017 and Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST) Act, 2017, Constitutional aspects, GST Council, Goods, Services, Business, Person, Reverse Charge; Composite supply, Works contract; Types of GST. | |||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Basic overview of Indirect Taxes &GST, Relevant definitions, Goods and Services Tax (GST) Law as contained in the Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST) Act, 2017 and Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST) Act, 2017, Constitutional aspects, GST Council, Goods, Services, Business, Person, Reverse Charge; Composite supply, Works contract; Types of GST. | |||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:7 |
Levy and collection of CGST and IGST – Application of CGST/IGST law; Concept of supply including composite and mixed supplies, inter-State supply, intra-State, Place of Supply, Time and value of Supply, exemptions; Small Taxable persons; Composition levy. Composition Rules and Conditions. | |||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:7 |
Levy and collection of CGST and IGST – Application of CGST/IGST law; Concept of supply including composite and mixed supplies, inter-State supply, intra-State, Place of Supply, Time and value of Supply, exemptions; Small Taxable persons; Composition levy. Composition Rules and Conditions. | |||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Time and Value of Supply
Classification of Goods and Services; Time and Value of Supply of Goods and Services; Consideration and Valuation Rules; Simple problems on Determination of taxable value of supply. | |||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Time and Value of Supply
Classification of Goods and Services; Time and Value of Supply of Goods and Services; Consideration and Valuation Rules; Simple problems on Determination of taxable value of supply. | |||||||||||
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Input Tax Credit & GST Liability
Input Tax definition; Conditions; Restrictions; Documents; Manner of Availing Input credit; ITC used in exempted and taxable supplies; Input service distributor; Simple problems on computing Net GST liability after credit set off. Accounting entries.
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Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Input Tax Credit & GST Liability
Input Tax definition; Conditions; Restrictions; Documents; Manner of Availing Input credit; ITC used in exempted and taxable supplies; Input service distributor; Simple problems on computing Net GST liability after credit set off. Accounting entries.
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Unit-7 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Procedures under GST –Registration, tax invoice, electronic way bill, accounts and records, returns, payment of tax including reverse charge, refund, Filing of returns; Powers of GST officer; Penalties, | |||||||||||
Unit-7 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Procedures under GST –Registration, tax invoice, electronic way bill, accounts and records, returns, payment of tax including reverse charge, refund, Filing of returns; Powers of GST officer; Penalties, | |||||||||||
Unit-8 |
Teaching Hours:5 |
Introduction to customs law including Constitutional aspects, Levy of and exemptions from customs duties, Types of customs duties, Import and Export Procedures | |||||||||||
Unit-8 |
Teaching Hours:5 |
Introduction to customs law including Constitutional aspects, Levy of and exemptions from customs duties, Types of customs duties, Import and Export Procedures | |||||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books: 1. Students Guide to Income Tax – T.N.Manoharan – Snowwhite publication 2. Students Guide to Income tax including GST – Vinod K Singhania, 3. GST (CA Intermediate) – V.S.Datey 4. CGST Act, IGST Act, GST Rules – Source :http://www.cbec.gov.in/htdocs-cbec/gst/index | |||||||||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Students Guide to Income Tax – T.N.Manoharan – Snowwhite publication | |||||||||||
Evaluation Pattern Department of Professional Studies follows a rigorous system of continuous evaluation, and the assessment events include quizzes, tests, assignments, mid-term and end-term exams, individual/group project work, presentations etc. Students are evaluated for each course on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessments. Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:
· Written Examinations consist of: § Mid Semester Exam – 50 Marks (2 hours duration) § End Semester Exam – 100 Marks (3 hours duration) · A student should secure a minimum of 40% Marks in the ESE to pass that paper. · In aggregate for each paper, for internal and end semester put together, at least 40 Marks out of 100 must be secured to pass in that paper. | |||||||||||
COP641A - BUSINESS ANALYSIS AND VALUATION (2022 Batch) | |||||||||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This subject deals with Corporate Valuation, Mergers and Acquisitions. Students are taught the concepts of corporate valuation, corporate restructuring, shareholder value creation and financial engineering. Approaches to Value Based Management and different forms of corporate restructuring are discussed. Students are also trained to value Mergers and Acquisitions. |
Learning Outcome |
CO-1: Explain the concepts of corporate valuation, corporate restructuring, shareholder value creation and financial engineering CO-2: Discuss various approaches to measure and practice value based management CO-3: Carry out corporate valuation CO-4: Apply the valuation techniques to mergers and acquisitions assessment and decision-making value analysis CO-5: Identify an appropriate framework for shareholders value analysis and analyze real-world cases in mergers and acquisitions |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Strategic Finance Management
Introduction, Constituents, Financial planning, Capital allocation and Corporate strategy | |||||||||||
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Strategic Finance Management
Introduction, Constituents, Financial planning, Capital allocation and Corporate strategy | |||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Corporate Valuation
Introduction, Approaches - Adjusted Book Value Approach, Stock and Debt Approach, Comparable Companies Approach, Discounted Cash Flow Approach - Concept of Free Cash Flow to the Firm, Two and Three Stage Valuation Models, Valuation of Physical Assets, Valuation of Intangible Assets | |||||||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Corporate Valuation
Introduction, Approaches - Adjusted Book Value Approach, Stock and Debt Approach, Comparable Companies Approach, Discounted Cash Flow Approach - Concept of Free Cash Flow to the Firm, Two and Three Stage Valuation Models, Valuation of Physical Assets, Valuation of Intangible Assets | |||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Value Metrics
Shareholder value creation - Traditional and modern approaches, Value drivers, Approaches to Value Based Management - Marakon Approach, Alcar Approach, Mc Kinsey Approach, Economic Value Added Approach, BCG HOLT Approach, Metrics for Measurement of Performance, Executive Compensation and Value Creation, Employee Stock Option Plans | |||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Value Metrics
Shareholder value creation - Traditional and modern approaches, Value drivers, Approaches to Value Based Management - Marakon Approach, Alcar Approach, Mc Kinsey Approach, Economic Value Added Approach, BCG HOLT Approach, Metrics for Measurement of Performance, Executive Compensation and Value Creation, Employee Stock Option Plans | |||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Corporate Restructuring
Introduction, Forms of corporate restructuring - Spin off, Split off, Split up, Leveraged Buyout, Divestiture and other forms of corporate restructuring
| |||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Corporate Restructuring
Introduction, Forms of corporate restructuring - Spin off, Split off, Split up, Leveraged Buyout, Divestiture and other forms of corporate restructuring
| |||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Mergers and Acquisitions
Mechanics of Merger - Legal, Accounting and Tax, Valuation of Mergers and Acquisitions, Financing of Merger and settlement, Takeovers | |||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Mergers and Acquisitions
Mechanics of Merger - Legal, Accounting and Tax, Valuation of Mergers and Acquisitions, Financing of Merger and settlement, Takeovers | |||||||||||
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:7 |
Challenges in Strategic Financial Management
Financial Management in Knowledge Intensive Companies and Public Sector Companies, Financial Management in Sick Units, Financial Innovations and Financial Engineering - Overview, Scope, Tools of Financial Engineering, Financial Engineering versus Financial Analysis | |||||||||||
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:7 |
Challenges in Strategic Financial Management
Financial Management in Knowledge Intensive Companies and Public Sector Companies, Financial Management in Sick Units, Financial Innovations and Financial Engineering - Overview, Scope, Tools of Financial Engineering, Financial Engineering versus Financial Analysis | |||||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books: 1. Chandra Prasanna. (2014) Strategic Financial Management, 1st edition, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Tim Koller. (2010) Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, 5th edition, McKinsey and Company Inc | |||||||||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading 1. David Frykman. (2010) The Financial Times Guide to Corporate Valuation, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall 2. Robert. F. Bruner. (2004) Applied Mergers and Acquisitions, 3rd edition, Wiley 3. Samuel C Weaver and Fred Weston J. (2010) Mergers and Acquisitions, 1st edition, Tata Mcgraw Hill 4. Chandra Prasanna. (2011) Corporate Valuation and Creation, 1st edition, Tata McGraw Hill 5. Andrew J. Sherman and Milledge A. Hart. (2009) Mergers and Acquisitions from A-Z, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw Hill | |||||||||||
Evaluation Pattern Department of Professional Studies follows a rigorous system of continuous evaluation, and the assessment events include quizzes, tests, assignments, mid-term and end-term exams, individual/group project work, presentations etc. Students are evaluated for each course on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessments. Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:
· Written Examinations consist of: § Mid Semester Exam – 50 Marks (2 hours duration) § End Semester Exam – 100 Marks (3 hours duration) · A student should secure a minimum of 40% Marks in the ESE to pass that paper. · In aggregate for each paper, for internal and end semester put together, at least 40 Marks out of 100 must be secured to pass in that paper. | |||||||||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This course intends to provide an overview of the international finance including forex markets, risks and various avenues. |
Learning Outcome |
CO-1: Discuss about foreign exchange markets and international financial markets
CO-2: Explain the various instruments traded in forex markets CO-3: Analyze international investment avenues CO-4: Analyze foreign exchange risks and risk management strategies CO-5: Evaluate and manage foreign exchange risk exposure |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
International Financial Environment
Globalization, Importance of international transactions, importance of IFM, IMS, Exchange rate regime, Gold Standard, Fiat Currency, Demand and supply of forex, Balance of payments, Balance of Trade, Bilateral and multilateral agreements relating to financial transactions, Flow of funds internationally through FDI and FII, Govt Policies regarding FII & FDI, Integration of global developments with the changing business environment in India.
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Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
International Financial Environment
Globalization, Importance of international transactions, importance of IFM, IMS, Exchange rate regime, Gold Standard, Fiat Currency, Demand and supply of forex, Balance of payments, Balance of Trade, Bilateral and multilateral agreements relating to financial transactions, Flow of funds internationally through FDI and FII, Govt Policies regarding FII & FDI, Integration of global developments with the changing business environment in India.
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Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Foreign Exchange Markets
Foreign Exchange Market Structure of the Foreign Exchange Market, Types of Transactions and Settlements, Exchange Rate Quotations and Arbitrage, Direct and indirect quote, Spot rate and forward rates, Swap Points, Currency premium and discount, triangular arbitrage
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Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Foreign Exchange Markets
Foreign Exchange Market Structure of the Foreign Exchange Market, Types of Transactions and Settlements, Exchange Rate Quotations and Arbitrage, Direct and indirect quote, Spot rate and forward rates, Swap Points, Currency premium and discount, triangular arbitrage
| |||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Foreign Exchange Rate Determination
Discussion on devaluation of Rupee, Theories of Exchange Rate Determination, Fundamental International Parity Conditions, Purchasing Power and Interest Rate Parity, Fisher Effect and International Fischer Effect | |||||||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Foreign Exchange Rate Determination
Discussion on devaluation of Rupee, Theories of Exchange Rate Determination, Fundamental International Parity Conditions, Purchasing Power and Interest Rate Parity, Fisher Effect and International Fischer Effect | |||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Managing Foreign Exchange Risk
The Concept of Hedging and Speculation, Currency Forwards, Currency Futures, Currency Options, Currency swaps. | |||||||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Managing Foreign Exchange Risk
The Concept of Hedging and Speculation, Currency Forwards, Currency Futures, Currency Options, Currency swaps. | |||||||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Corporate Exposure Management
The Risk Management Process, Exposure Management, Transactions Exposure, Operations Exposure, Interest Rate Exposure, Financial Swaps and Credit Derivatives, Techniques of managing foreign currency exposures.
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Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Corporate Exposure Management
The Risk Management Process, Exposure Management, Transactions Exposure, Operations Exposure, Interest Rate Exposure, Financial Swaps and Credit Derivatives, Techniques of managing foreign currency exposures.
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Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
International Sources of Finance
Bond Financing, Loan Financing, Equity Financing (GDR and ADR), International working capital management, Analysis of International Capital Budgeting, Cost of Capital of a Foreign Investment, Issues in Overseas Funding Choices | |||||||||||
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
International Sources of Finance
Bond Financing, Loan Financing, Equity Financing (GDR and ADR), International working capital management, Analysis of International Capital Budgeting, Cost of Capital of a Foreign Investment, Issues in Overseas Funding Choices | |||||||||||
Text Books And Reference Books: 1. Shapiro, Allen C., Multinational Financial Management, New Delhi, Prentice Hall India Pvt. Ltd. 2. Apte P.G., Multinational Financial Management, New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill 3. Seth A.K., International Financial Management, New Delhi, Galgotia Publishing Company | |||||||||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading 1. Levi, Maurice, International Finance, New York, McGraw Hill Inc. 2. Eiteman, David K., Arthur Stonehill and Michael H. Moffett, Multinational Business Finance | |||||||||||
Evaluation Pattern Department of Professional Studies follows a rigorous system of continuous evaluation, and the assessment events include quizzes, tests, assignments, mid-term and end-term exams, individual/group project work, presentations etc. Students are evaluated for each course on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment. Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:
· Written Examinations consists of: § Mid Semester Exam – 50 marks (2 hours duration) § End Semester Exam – 100 marks (3 hours duration) · A student should have secured minimum 40% marks in the ESE to pass in that paper. · In aggregate for each paper, for internal and end semester put together, at least 40 marks out of 100 must be secured to pass in that paper. | |||||||||||
COP681 - RESEARCH PROJECT (2022 Batch) | |||||||||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:0 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:0 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
The student conducts research on a self-chosen subject in the field of finance and accounts. The student participates in the research group under the supervising faculty member and writes a research report. |
Learning Outcome |
CO-1: Provide an opportunity to study in-depth, a topic area of interest. CO-2: Provide an experience of completing a significant research paper in an intellectually independent and largely self-directed fashion. CO-3: To adopt suitable data collection methods and procedure CO-4: To develop students skills of critical inquiry and ability to write an academic paper that demonstrates an in-depth understanding of an area of research. CO-5: To inculcate the research attitude among students. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:0 |
Research Project
Research Project work will be starting from 5th semester and the final report submission along with the viva voce will be scheduled in the 6th semester. It is a 4 credit course and exam is for total of 100 marks. This research work has to be conducted individually or in groups of 2 students together. | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:0 |
Research Project
Research Project work will be starting from 5th semester and the final report submission along with the viva voce will be scheduled in the 6th semester. It is a 4 credit course and exam is for total of 100 marks. This research work has to be conducted individually or in groups of 2 students together. | |
Text Books And Reference Books: - | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading - | |
Evaluation Pattern Research Project: 50 marks Viva voce: 50 marks |